【同义词辨析】 2017-11-28 失落downcast-hopeless(2小组一起记)

(1) 失落
downcast: implies being overcome by shame, mortification, or loss of hope or confidence and an utter lack of cheerfulness: negative reviews left the actors feeling ~.

dispirited: implies extreme low-spiritedness and discouragement resulting from failure to accomplish what one wants or to achieve one's goal: ~, the doomed explorers resigned themselves to failure.

dejected: implies a sudden but often temporary severe loss of hope, courage, or vigor: a crushing defeat that left the team in a ~ mood.  

depressed: may imply either a temporary or a chronic low-spiritedness and may indicate a serious inability to be normally happy and active: ~ by his failure to the point of suicide.     depression抑郁,最严重的情绪低落

disconsolate: implies being inconsolable or very uncomfortable: ~ motorists leaning against their disabled car.     disconsolate和inconsolable是同义词,使用没有区别

woebegone: suggests a defeated, spiritless condition and emphasizes the impression of dejection and discouragement produced by facial expression, posture, and surroundings: a rundown, ~ motel on an empty back road.

downcast: 由于羞愧而低落,dispirited由于失败,dejected: 暂时的原因,depressed: 非常严重无法开心(引起自杀的抑郁症depression),disconsolate: 难以安慰,woebegone: 落魄低落的姿态表情环境

记忆方法: 1) 首字母记忆5个D一个W,想象成武当5DoWn

          2) 失落的意思是情绪很低mean affected by or showing very low spirits.

(2) 绝望
despondent: implies a deep dejection arising from a conviction of the uselessness of further effort: ~ over the death of her father.

despairing: suggests the slipping away of all hope and often an accompanying despondency: ~ appeals for the return of the kidnapped boy.     slip away悄没声息地溜走,如aha, you can't slip away this time哈哈,这回你溜不掉

desperate: implies such despair as prompts reckless action or violence in the face of anticipated defeat or frustration: one last ~ attempt to turn the tide of the war. 本义1、绝望到孤注一掷,如a desperate bid for freedom孤注一掷争取自由的努力 还表示2、极度希望,如I was desperate to see her/for a cigarette我极想见到她/抽支烟 3、严重severe,如in desperate need/shortage迫切需要/严重短缺) tide潮水潮流趋势,这里指扭转战局         in the face of面对

hopeless: suggests despair and the cessation of effort or resistance and often implies acceptance or resignation: the situation of the trapped miners is ~.

despondent绝望: 指因努力已无用(而绝望),despairing绝望: 表示所有希望都已消失(dis表离开),desperate绝望: 指绝望到孤注一掷铤而走险(reckless不顾后果 violence狂暴),hopeless没有希望的: 不再抵抗认输

记忆方法: 1) 绝望的意思是失去所有希望mean having lost all or nearly all hope.       第一组强调"情绪低落",第二组强调"失去希望"